Natural Socialite


Natural Socialite, affectionately known as Charlotte, is a natural hair blogger and reformed product junkie living in Chicago, IL.  She has dedicated much of her time learning about the complexities of her own mane and studying the science behind healthy natural hair.  After testing a wide array of hit or miss hair care lines on the market today, she has decided to share her journey with the world.

Charlotte’s love of vintage fashions is hereditary. Her grandmothers’, both fashionistas in their day, share their sense of style with their only granddaughter….. Charlotte will release her vintage fashion collection, Sweet Sadie Vintage, in the fall of two thousand and twelve. A portion of all proceeds will benefit the American Alzheimer’s Association in honor of her grandmother, Sweet Sadie.

Her facination with natural hair has taken a new direction and focus, and she loves & appreciates that her own lovely locks have a mind of its own…This site was created to be a complete resource for transitioners, newly naturals, natural veterans, and those just lurking to see what all of the natural hair “hype” is about. Enjoy

Join Charlotte on her mission to spread awareness about the natural beauty that lies within us all….

Peace, Love & Vintage~

“I’m a natural disaster, and I love it”-Natural Socialite

  1. I love your about page……….way to go Charlotte, excellent.
    and the sweet sadie vintage….awsome!

  2. Love it! Keep up the great work and much success!

  3. I enjoyed reading your about page. Can’t wait to see your new line.

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