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Archive for the ‘Hair’ Category

Love Your Natural Hair with Eight Tips from Curly Nikki | The Natural Socialite

In Hair on November 9, 2011 at 10:00 am

A big part of loving your natural hair is knowing how to care for it, so CurlyNikki has complied a list of eight tips that your curls will thank you for.
1.    Dry style your hair, especially in the winter. Dry styling aids in preventing curls from coiling around each other and creating more tangles that result in breakage. Try dry styling bantu knots, twist outs or braid outs.
2.    It’s best to apply oil to your hair when it’s wet. This will help your hair hold in the moisture that’s already on the hair shaft.
3.    Don’t use petroleum-based products too often. When you do use them, apply them only to the hair, not to your scalp. Petroleum-based products have ingredients that clog your pores and attract dust.
4.    Get your aromatherapy on by massaging your scalp regularly with natural oils. Oils such as lavender, rosemary, jojoba, and grapeseed are natural solutions to help thicken your hair as you circulate your blood flow and encourage hair growth.
5.    Try mixing up a quick hair mask by applying an egg onto your hair, massaging it in and leaving it on for no longer than five minutes. Do this egg mask treatment weekly to add protein to your hair and strengthen your strands.
6.    Looking for a style with less frizz? Try a braid out! Braid outs are often less frizzy than twist outs because the hair gets “smoother” in the prepping process and the braid pulls the hair tighter and straighter than a twist would.
7.    Use water; water is by far the best moisturizer known to man. In between a styling session, simply dampen the hair then seal in the moisture with a light oil like jojoba or grape seed oil. A popular method of doing this is with the use of a spray bottle.
8.    Grease provides awesome slip when dry twisting and you’ll notice that you’ll encounter fewer tangles and snagging. It really creates a protective barrier around each strand. Be sure, though, to wash it all out with normal shampoo, not just by cowashing, or else it will build up.

Learn how to love and embrace your natural hair with articles, styling tips, product reviews and more by visiting

7 tips for Hair Growth & Length Retention | The Natural Socialite

In Hair on October 4, 2011 at 9:02 am

Do you ever feel like your hair growth has hit a dead-end?  Are you dreaming of long & strong kinks, curls, and coils but just can’t seem to get past shoulder length? Check out my seven favorite tips for ultimate length retention & hair growth.

1. Remove Dirt & Residue: Healthy hair is the result of a healthy– & clean scalp.  Regular cleansing will help to remove the daily styling products, smog & air pollutants that coat the hair shaft, preventing build-up.  Try this:  Worried about stripping your hair of its natural oils?  Dilute your shampoo a bit, prior to cleansing.  In a spray bottle, mix 1 part shampoo to 1 part water.  Spray the mixture on wet hair and cleanse your coif in sections to prevent tangles & single strand knots.

2. Trim Split Ends: Wile many women are “anti-trimming”, holding on to damaged ends is only counter productive on your part.  The splits on the ends of your hairs will eventually travel all the way up the hair shaft and break.  Trim your hair only when needed, and only trim the amount of hair that is damaged.  While many naturals trim their own hair, I prefer visiting a highly skilled, trained & trusted hair professional for such tasks.  Using quality shears is also key with trims & cuts, so using your kitchen scissors will give less than optimal results. Try this: Always go in for a consultation before visiting a new hair stylist.  Make sure you clearly communicate your goals and let them examine your hair prior to committing to a service.  Ask plenty of questions.  If you feel as if the stylist is annoyed or rushes you, it is probably a good idea to continue your search elsewhere. Calling around? Don’t hesitate to ask if there is anyone in the salon that specializes in cutting curly hair.

3. Lock in the moisture: Keeping your hair moisturized is one of the keys for healthy hair that will also enable growth & length retention. Sealing in the moisture will assist in building your hair’s resilience & prevent breakage. Dry hair is more susceptible to breakage, while properly moisturized hair is more pliable and more able to withstand mechanical manipulation (combing, styling, etc.).

4.  Regular Scalp Massages: Scalp massage stimulates blood flow in the capillaries allowing a greater distribution of essential nutrients to the hair follicles. Try this: Coconut oil contains a compound known as lauric acid which, when massaged into the hair, fights bacteria and unblocks follicles.

5. Try Protective Styling: Protective & low manipulation hair styling is one of the best methods of length retention.  These styles allow your hair follicles to have a rest and since there is little to no manipulation, there is no constant tugging & pulling. Try this: Buns, Braids, Two-Strand & Mini Twists are all great options to help you protect your hair from damage & achieve your hair’s growth potential.

6. Healthy Lifestyle Changes: A poor diet, and unhealthy lifestyle is no friend to healthy hair. An unbalanced diet can (& will) cause your hair to become dry, brittle, fall out & break off.  Eating and maintaining a balanced diet is essential to optimal hair health.

7. Don’t Dry Comb: Dry combing your hair in its natural state is an absolute no no.  If you constantly have excessive breakage or shedding and don’t know why, dry combing may be the culprit.  After your hair is slightly dampened, gently comb your hair from tips to roots to help prevent snatching your hair out  Try this: Keep a spray bottle handy and apply a simple moisture mist to your hair (especially those ends) before combing & styling.  I mix 1 part distilled water with 1 part aloe vera juice with a few drops of rosemary & citrus essential oils. Make sure you keep mixtures containing pure aloe vera juice refrigerated & mix in small batches to prevent rancidity.

Khamit Kinks Natural Hair Salon Moves to New Home in Downtown Brooklyn | The Natural Socialite

In Hair on August 30, 2011 at 10:34 am

 Anu Prestonia, the owner of Khamit Kinks, has moved her natural hair salon to the Boerum Hill section of downtown Brooklyn, and says the new location will be easier for clients to find, and offers better amenities. The new salon is located at 400 Atlantic Avenue, near the corner of Bond Street.

The new neighborhood is buzzing with high quality boutiques, eateries, florists, and even art galleries. “This move was something that I began working on five years ago. And I am so excited to see my vision coming into fruition,” said Ms. Prestonia. “In addition to our move, we’re upgrading our presence by updating our logo, our website. And as always, we continue to strive towards perfecting the quality of our services and exceeding our clients’ expectations.”

The salon is adding manicure and pedicure services at the new location, and its website features a blog at that focuses on natural hair. For more than 22 years, Khamit Kinks has provided all natural hair services including one-on-one consultations, guidance for transitioning to natural hair, all natural hairstyles – including braids, twists, Locs, Sister Locs, Extension Locs, twist-out styles, treatments and much more.

Anu Prestonia has been in the natural hair care business for more than 30 years, and is considered a pioneer and standard-bearer in the cottage industry. While natural hair is seen as a niche part of the beauty industry, it continues to grow exponentially as a new generation of young black women are embracing their natural hair with confidence.

A trend-setter in the natural hair industry, Anu Prestonia and Khamit Kinks have introduced many popular hair styles, including Casamas Braids, Senegalese Twists, and Goddess Braids. The natural hair salon has a roster of loyal clients and high-profile devotees including such celebrities as Stevie Wonder, Oprah Winfrey, Lenny Kravitz, and Queen Latifah.

For more information about Khamit Kinks, or to schedule an appointment, call Anu Prestonia at 718-422-2600 or visit the natural hair salon online at You can also connect on Facebook at

About Khamit Kinks
Khamit Kinks is a high-end natural hair care salon that specializes in styling, growing and promoting healthy, stylish natural hairstyles. They offer one-on-one consultations and assist many clients in transitioning from chemical services to natural hair.

Shea Moisture BOGO 1/2 off sale at Walgreens this week (8/28-9/2)!

In Hair, YouTube Videos on August 30, 2011 at 8:42 am

Boo Yah!  The Shea Moisture hair care line (and Baby care too!) is BOGO 1/2 off at Walgreens this week! I was advised that Target is honoring the Walgreens price this week (WITH the ad-only), so if your nearest Walgreens store is out of stock then take the sale paper to your local Tar-Jay! I’m still waiting on the BOGO free offer again so I can stock up for life….. but this will have to do until that glorious day.. Enjoy!

High Protein Scalp Conditioner | Natural Socialite

In Hair, Homemade Mixes on August 19, 2011 at 11:34 am

This high-protein, all-natural hair conditioner will help to dislodge any debris or pollution that may be clogging the tiny openings in your scalp.

This conditioner will also open the tiny openings for better passage of nutrients into your hair. This scalp conditioner also enriches the hair, helping to make it stronger and more lustrous.

Blend together, preferably in an electric blender:

  1. 250 ml (1 cup) fresh skimmed milk
  2. 1 egg yolk (separated from the egg white)
  3. 2 capsules of wheat germ oil contents (you may have to open up capsules & squeeze the contents out)
  4. 1 tablespoon of fresh wheat germ
  5. The contents of 1 tablespoon of lecithin granules (you may need to open capsules)
  6. 1 tablespoon natural wheat brain (available in bulk also)

*Besides the milk and eggs, all other ingredients are most likely to be found at a health food store*


Slowly and firmly massage the mixture into your scalp. Leave the mixture on for about 10 minutes. If you cover your head with a shower cap or you drape a towel around your head and lie on a slant board while the conditioner does its work, you will benefit even more because of the gravity effect.

After 10 minutes, completely rinse conditioner from your hair with warm (not hot) water. Follow with your usual shampoo and rinse-out, and follow with a deep or leave-in conditioner.

Its best to apply this recipe in the bathroom because it can get a little messy.


7 Easy Steps to Stress Free Detangling | The Natural Socialite

In Hair on August 18, 2011 at 9:27 am

Detangling natural black hair can be really stressful to some people. Very tight curly, coily or kinky hair has a tendency to tangle easily and as this type of hair tends to be dry, combing through the tangles would cause breakage. Detangling should not be taken lightly as tangled hair can sometimes get so badly knotted that only a pair of scissors can get rid of the knots! When your aim is to grow your natural hair long then scissors should never be part of your wash day routine!

1. The first step to detangling is to section the hair into smaller manageable sections. 4-6 sections through the head should be enough depending on the thickness and length of the hair. The next step is to lubricate the hair to allow your fingers to get rid of the larger tangles. Apply a small amount of a natural oil on each section and gently pull apart the hair that has clumped together (if the hair was in a braided or twisted style). Good oils to use are coconut oil, carrot oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil etc. Rake your fingers through each section to gently detangle. Never attempt to brush or comb natural hair when it is dry. This should only ever be done when it is wet and with conditioner!

2. If the hair is especially long or thick then to avoid further tangles, braid or twist the sections loosely then shampoo the hair thoroughly with a sulphate free shampoo. The shampoo will get rid of the oil that you added to untangle it and leave the hair completely clean without drying it out.

3. Apply a deep conditioning treatment of your choice and sit under a hooded dryer for 20-30 minutes to allow the deep conditioner to penetrate the hair. It is advisable to use a conditioner with either silicones or natural oils as they have the greatest ‘slip’ and make detangling a dream!

4. While the hair is still wet with conditioner, use a wide tooth comb to detangle each section beginning from the tips and working your way to the roots of the hair. Make sure that each section is completely free of tangles before, re-braiding again loosely and moving on to the next section.

5. Once hair has been completely detangled, rinse the conditioner out of the hair thoroughly with warm water. At this stage, you may want to undo all the braids as all your hair is now free of tangles.

6. You may also want to use an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse to get rid of any residue that the conditioner left behind. Just mix 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar to 4 parts water and stream this through your hair. Work in with your fingers gently and rinse out thoroughly. Don’t worry; your hair won’t smell of vinegar once it’s dry!

7. Finish off with a cold water rinse to help the hair cuticles close and proceed to style as usual.


6 Tips for Perfect Blow Drying | Natural Socialite

In Hair on August 16, 2011 at 9:21 am

Photo by Derek Blanks

If blow drying your tresses is giving you the blues, try employing one [or hopefully all] of these methods for a hassle free styling experience. Improper blow drying techniques can lead to brittle, dry, and lifeless hair! The key to using heat without “heat damage” is using it in moderation, as utilizing proper techniques.

  • Do not blow dry sopping wet hair! Blow drying hair that is dripping wet will lead to dry, damaged hair. Carefully towel dry hair in sections using a microfiber towel prior to blow drying. When towel drying, be sure to “squeeze” not rub to avoid breakage and unnecessary tangles.
  • Use a heat protectant! I always use a heat protectant when thermal styling, and I swear by Aveda Brilliant Damage Control. Good heat protectants have proteins that bind to your hair shaft that acts as a barrier to prevent heat damage. + Watch your heat setting! I normally blow dry on low heat with a high power setting. Kinky hair has a tendency to be a little on the drier side, so blow drying on high heat should really be a no-no.
  • Blow dry hair until 75% dry, then sit under a dryer to dry the remainder of your hair. I prefer this method versus blow drying my hair until it’s 100% dry because it makes for much softer hair. Another plus is that you cut down on the amount of direct heat that is applied to your hair. This technique is also beneficial to those have been less than successful at air drying. Blow drying first gives your hair that “smooth” appearance, and drying under a hooded dryer the remainder of the way gives your hair the soft “air dried” feeling [minus the crunch or kink factors]
  • Hold the blow dryer 5-6 inches away from your hair when blow drying. Again, the key here is to avoid heat damage. Holding the dryer too close to your hair can also lead to issues with your scalp as well [dry, flaking]. + Detangle thoroughly before attempting to blow dry! Hair should be soft, smooth, and free of tangles prior to blow drying. This is the time to break out that heavy-duty seamless comb [I recommend Mason Pearson], and Fermodyl 619 if your hair is prone to tangles.

MopTopMaven applies Fermodyl after applying leave-in conditioner to help detangle. She only uses this product if her hair is very kinky or dry. Fermodyl helps with the detangling IMMENSLY and I believe it is due to the high content of lactic acid. Blow drying hair that has tangles can lead to unnecessary hair loss, as well as breakage.


“Lupus forced me to become a natural black woman” | The Natural Socialite

In Hair on August 2, 2011 at 8:29 am

Model, Actress & Lupus activist, Tomiko Fraser

Today I read an interesting article written by a woman named Yasmin Barracks who was “forced” into going natural per say due to a drastic hair loss caused by an autoimmune illness, Systemic Lupus (SLE).  Initially in the article, she explains how she was “neither happy nor impressed with being natural, as natural hair was not an appealing element to what it means to be beautiful as a black woman .”  She later admits that she eventually  “adapted” to natural  hair styles that she originally felt would cause her to be an outcast.

As disheartening as it was for me to read that this young woman initially had these feelings once she learned that she would have to let go of chemical relaxers, I respect her honesty and willingness to share her personal thoughts and feelings about what undoubtedly must to be a very emotional and trying time for herself as well as her family.  The fact of the matter is that I am sure many women feel this way about transitioning their hair to a natural state, and it continues to sadden me when I think about how we as women sometimes struggle with becoming who we were always intended to be.  I am in no way criticizing this young woman, as initially  struggled with my own natural hair transition and threatened (on a daily basis) to go back to the creamy crack myself.

Even  though her disease forced her into this transition that was met with her own apprehension and disappointment, I am glad that she has reached a point where she is happy with the woman she has become and learned that the beauty she possesses has noting to do with creamy cracked out hair. 

If you would like to read her original article in its entirety, click here.

For more information on Tomiko Fraser’s work with The Lupus Foundation of America, read her story here.

New Video: When Expensive Products Don’t Work |The Natural Socialite

In Hair, YouTube Videos on July 28, 2011 at 12:34 pm

I had a little more to say… Don’t throw those expensive products away just yet!

Like me on Facebook!

Eeeek! When Expensive Products Don’t Work on Your Natural Hair | The Natural Socialite

In Hair on July 28, 2011 at 12:33 pm

That awkward moment when you realize you’ve spent hundreds of dollars on everyone’s favorite natural hair product & none of it works……

Yeah. Let’s face it. Many of us have been there. If you are new to the game or currently transitioning, if you are not careful it can happen to you too. You’ve read every natural hair blog out there, you’ve watched tons of YouTube tutorials, you’ve gotten tons of advice from your friends on Facebook, and you bought it all. Now you’ve got tons of build up, no cabinet space left, an empty bank account & not a defined curl or awesome twist-out in sight. Don’t throw it all away…Don’t start donating your home based beauty supply to the next up & coming product junkie at work just yet. All may not be lost.

Take it from me. You name it, I bought it. Much to my husband’s dismay, I’ve spent hundreds of hundreds of hundreds (of hundreds) of dollars on natural hair products in the past two years; and 95 percent of them never earned the prestigious title of “my staple product”. Even if the product line didn’t do a shabby job on my natural tresses, once I educated myself on ingredients & started focusing on simplifying my routine I learned that I could get the same results from less complicated & less expensive (and less complex) products on the market.

I think the turning point for me while deciding on my go-to products was learning about sealing in the moisture & discovering that “less is more”. You don’t have to use all of your favorite vlogger’s products all at once. If you simplify your methods & learn what products work best for what it is you are trying to accomplish, then you will see that 3-4 products (that you already have at home) may be all you need. The main things that most naturals try to accomplish are moisturizing, detangling, conditioning & definition of curls. It doesn’t take products to do these important jobs.

Another thing…. Just because you bought a product & it didn’t work the first time or 2 you tried it, that doesn’t mean it won’t work at a later time. Some times you may need to just change the amount of product you use or the way you actually apply the product. Sometimes you may need to use products such as gels on top of an oil in order to prevent your hair from getting crunchy or showing build-up. It may just be all in your approach.

Do you still have the itch to try something new? Ask companies for samples or buy the smaller sizes. Some companies offer samples that they will send you free of charge, or just for a buck or two. Many natural hair meetups that are sponsored by hair care companies will give away tons of samples just for attendees. Many naturals hair blogs & groups will also host product swaps where you can trade your gently loved products with other naturals who may have a different product to give away that you always wanted to try.

Don’t give up & say to yourself “Well, going natural ain’t for everybody” and just give up. Your natural self is all you were ever intended to be. It IS for you. You just have to learn what works for what you are trying to accomplish & you can only do that with trial and error. Best wishes to you all….